- Reproductive freedom- Gun safety- Affordable healthcare- Power grid and energy bills- LGBTQ+ rights- Property taxes
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- Reproductive freedom- Gun safety- Affordable healthcare- Power grid and energy bills- LGBTQ+ rights- Property taxes
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- Reproductive freedom- Gun safety- Affordable Healthcare- Power grid and energy bills- LGBTQ+ rights- property taxes
As you know, Beto lost the recent midterm election and Abbott will continue to be governor. I will say that I wasn't surprised, but I was saddened by the news.
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I did not like the outcome and started to think of some mistakes Beto made in his campaigning. What if I run for governor against Abbott? Can I have a better chance at winning?
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I stand for Women. I stand for the LGBTQ+ community. I stand for POC. I stand for everyone!
The next day....
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When I woke up I was on stage next to Greg Abbott. It turns out that I am running against him and they needed pictures of the both of us together. I guess I can now try and beat him on the midterms.
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Let's see how this goes.
I started to devise a plan on how I could possibly win the midterms. One mistake I know Beto made when talking about his policies was when he mentioned that he would ban owning an AK-47. Texas is big on gun ownership and I believe that affected him because some called that policy too strict.
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That was exhausting
I decided to head home and start writing down my policies.
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The governor is...
I started to type what my main policies would be. Since I am running as a democrat, most of my policies will gear more towards democrats, but there are also others that apply to everyone. Such as getting rid of property taxes. I know that the housing market is skyrocketing and now more people want to live in apartments due to the rising cost of taxes.
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What just happened?
One of the most important issues at the moment is reproductive freedom. Women are now scared of what else is to come. Most feel trapped in a state where they can't even make decisions on their own bodies. I plan to fight this overturning and find easier ways for women to be able to get abortions. I plan to talk about this with college students.
The End
Another important issue for me is gun safety. Now with the rising cases of gun violence and school shootings, we need to act now. Instead of just saying that we will do something and then promote guns in a convention a week later. We need to have gun restrictions. Do background checks, put age restrictions and hopefully limit dangerous people getting a hold of a gun. All of these points I will hopefully talk about with fellow college students next month.
Something I've seen throughout the years is that the percentage of votes made by the younger generation was very low. In the previous elections. This is a problem because all voices need to be heard. I hope meeting these college students will make an impact on this issue.
I got to talk to so many people that come from different cultures and ethnicities. I learned a lot on what really matters to them. The most talked about topic was the overturning of Roe. vs Wade. They want someone who cares about reproductive rights and will act on it. meeting with them gave me the hope that I could win. I guess I'll have to wait until election day.
Early voting has started and we hope to get results by the 9th of November. For now I am going to spend time with family while we wait for the results.
Elections day has finally come out and now we are anxiously waiting for the results. At the moment Abbot and I were really close by a few votes. Eventually, after an hour or so, Abbott had a lot more votes than I did.
My family and I needed a break to talk about the results we were seeing so far. I need to win this. My family and I needed to sleep because the results won't be ready until tomorrow.
Now is the time to know who is going to be the governor of Texas.
When I woke up, I realized that it was all just a dream and I didn't even get to see if I won or not. The worst part of all of this is that Abbott is still the governor.
Image Attributions: (https://pixabay.com/en/vote-election-politics-government-1190034/) - hannahlouise123 - License: Free for Commercial Use / No Attribution Required (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0)4669109 (https://www.pexels.com/photo/american-flags-and-pins-on-white-background-4669109/) - cottonbro studio - License: Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See https://www.pexels.com/license/ for what is not allowed (https://pixabay.com/en/elephant-donkey-ass-logo-2798628/) - chayka1270 - License: Free for Commercial Use / No Attribution Required (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0)1250122 (https://pixabay.com/illustrations/choice-usa-america-flutter-flag-1250122/) - kalhh - License: Free for Most Commercial Use / No Attribution Required / See https://pixabay.com/service/license/ for what is not allowed (https://pixabay.com/en/american-flag-usa-symbol-national-820418/) - fancycrave1 - License: Free for Commercial Use / No Attribution Required (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0)