Oh no! We need some loans we do not have enpugh money for railroads or industries.
Dollar Diplomacy
Here is some of our money to help you out.
Thank you so much sir! I promise you we will be best friends for as long as we live.
Dollar Diplomacy
I very much appreciate all your help!
No problem at all sir!
Dollar diplomacy is President Taft's policy of encouraging American investments in economy.
Big Stick Diplomacy
King Kaluaka will you please sign this constitution.
NO!Absolutely not.
This cartoon shows dollar diplomacy by America lending money to Europe helping them flourish and thrive
Big Stick Diplomacy
The elements of editorial cartoons I used was labels and comparison.
Big Stick Diplomacy
Big Stick Diplomacy is the use of threat or force or power.
This cartoon shows Big Stick Diplomacy because the gentleman asked kindly for the king to sign the constitution so he had to use a threat in order for him to agree.
Fine i'll do it, i'll do it.
The elements of editorial cartoons I used were labels, symbolism, and comparison.
Speak softly and carry a big stick - Theodore Roosevelt