Guys, you must to understand that the only way to have good future is to study more, your body doesn't last forever, but your mind is powerful
Teacher was right, we must focus on our mind and study more
But, i can't study more than I already do. Actually, I haven't feeling very well in the last days, and I went to the doctor and he told me that I am suffering of migraine for elevates levels of strees, and that I am to young to have that health.
Oh darling don't worry for that. The only thing that really matter is the way you are feeling right know and in the future. It is important to develop our minds, however our hearts and body are as important as the mind
Moooom, I don't want to study anymore, I' m so tired and I'm not feeling good. Teacher told us that we must to focus in our mind, but what about the other things, like the body like my friends and like myself?
Is great when the parents help their children to understand that they are the only ones who can decide what is important for them. To teach them that a good future or health don't depend in just study a lot, is also to take care for ourselves, for our bodies and feelings.
-Maria Jose Dávalos-Maria Camila Moyano-Ana Maria Sanchez -Enrique Polo Miranda.