In 1754 in Fort Necessity, a fight broke out between the two where 1/3 of young George Washington's men were killed.
Britain and France both wanted control of the Ohio River valley.
I need this land for trade!
This land is a part of my colony!
We should continue our trade and defeat the Iroquois together.
Alright. We'll help you.
The French were friendly with the Algonquin tribe, and traded fur with them. The Iroquois partnered with the English.
The French and the British built separate fortresses for the first time in the Ohio Valley, after the Iroquois allowed trading with English merchants.
The French and Native Americans used guerilla tactics in order to gain the upper hand against the British at night.
The turning point of this war was when William Pitt, the English Secretary of State, took control of the military and sent more British troops the colonies.
The French surrendered in September of 1750, after the signing of the Treaty of Paris. This caused them to lose a lot of their land.
As a result of their victory, the British now was in control of a significant amount of North American land. Resentment from the colonist grew after the British taxed them after their costly war.
These taxes would eventually be one of the first motives for the American Revolution.