Lets be business partner and open up the clothing line that we planned back then when we are young
Yeah, what's your idea
I would but there are too many things should do before stepping into it right away
at school, Ac received a message from his old friend Lj who wanted to be his business partner.
Bro, I got a business idea!!! Wanna hear it?
You're right, I'll start doing everything we need to handle but promise me that you will be my business partner.
Awesome, lets get started!!
Okay, I promise and let me help you handle things for our business
with doubt on his mind he still accepts the offer.
Just to be frank Lj, Yes, I said yes to be your partner but, I still have doubts about this idea and I'm still scared commit. Idk if we can actually do this.
You're right! Doubt do hold us back! We can do this
after they settle everything they need, they work hard on their project, day and night, day after day. and the best part is it doesn't affect Ac's academics.
Come on Ac don't think like that, yes I also have doubt but don't you think that doubt is just holding us back to reach our dreams? trust me on this dude we will reach nothing if we always let our fear overcome us.
That's the spirit!LETS DO THIS!!!
At first, Ac doubted the idea, because he knew that both of them don't have experience with this kind of business. But Lj persuades him to remove all his doubt.