Hey there, Today we are going to learn about Protein sythesis.
Speaking of which, here comes some DNA, this is needed to transcript to the RNA and this happens in the nucleus.
Oooooo here comes some mRNA , I wonder what will happen.
As you can see the DNA start to unravel to it can transcript to the mRNA.
Now this is really cool, you can see now that the mRNA and the DNA are now interconnecting with each other to transcript .
Lets stop and think about why we even need this process. We need protein synthesis because it makes proteins that go on to do very important functions in the body.
Now that the mRNA has been transported and now has codons it can travel outside of the nuclear membrane to a....... Ribosome.
Great. Now we are all ready, the mRNA and the polypeptide chain is here we can create
I almost forgot, polypeptide chains are made from tRNA and amino acids to create a polypeptide chain that is guided from codon from mRNA.
Now that everything is in place we can finally make this special protein so it can go off a do a important task in the body.
I never knew something that looks like confetti is so important in the body.