And don't forget scouts for professional companies might be there too! Rest up.
Competition in 2 days! Be ready!!!!
Mmmmmm, I'm still not sure if this is a great idea though. As much as I want to go to the party, I can't risk jeopardizing my position in front of the scouts!
I'll just go and dance for a little bit. No harm done!
I snagged some of my parents booze before we left if you wanna try too
Don't listen to Uchechi- I've got the goods
Lyssa you gotta try some of this
Alyssa's preparing for the biggest competition of the season. It's in two days, and there will be scouts from all the most established ballet companies. Just as she's leaving the studio, she gets a text about a party being hosted two nights before the party, at junior's house.
Oh noo, what am I supposed to do? What if they think I'm a loser???But it'll destroy my body...
All of her friends are going, but Alyssa's still on the fence. It's been a really long time since she's been able to hang out with her friends. But on the other hand, she's worried about doing something stupid and jeopardizing her chance for a professional career. Eventually, she decides to go but not drink
Whew. Nobody seems to notice I chucked my drink like five minutes ago. Let's just have some sober fun now!
When Alyssa shows up, imminently she notices all of her friends are drinking or smoking weed. Rithi brought some of her parents booze, and Violet and Uchechi are shoving booze filled solo cups in her face. Anwen's already high as a kite, trying to sell Alyssa weed too.
Alyssa doesn't know what to do. If she takes anything, sure it'll be a fun time but she'll destroy her opportunities. She could just go home, but then she'd make all this effort of going for nothing, plus she doesn't want her friends to think she's a loser.  
Eventually, she takes a solo cups nd pretends to take a couple sips, before waiting till no one's watching and chucks the rest of the drink into the bushes. Now she can just focus on having the time of her life! While still sober, of course.
The day of the showcase comes, and Alyssa's feeling in tip top shape. She performs her absolute best, and she just knows she's going to win the hearts of every scout in the audience.
Wow she's really good!
This one's got talent. She's the one for the position!