Dally was about to send Ponyboy and Johnny home. As they drove past the church, they saw it was on fire. Ponyboy and Johnny jumped out of the car to see what was going on. Dally tried to stop them.
We'll save you!
Some little kids and two adults were at the front of the church. The two adults were school teachers. They explained to Ponyboy and Johnny what happened.
Ouch! My back!
Someone was yelling for help from inside the church. It was the missing school children. Ponyboy and Johnny decided to get them out of the burning church.
Where am I? Where are Johnny and Dally?
Calm down! You are in an ambulance. You friends are in another ambulance.
Ponyboy and Johnny found some little kids in the back room screaming for help.
Ponyboy and Johnny dropped all the little kids out of the window. Johnny shoved Ponyboy towards the window just before the church started to crumble. Dally hit Ponyboy at the back because of the flame. Ponyboy passed out.
The school teacher Jerry was with Ponyboy in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.