Exposition:Mahmoud and his family live in a small apartment in Aleppo,Syria 2015.Supporting characters:Mahmoud, Waleed,Hannah, Mahmoud’s father Youssef and his mother Fatima.
I’m so glad you guys are ok! I thought I lost you guys!
My action figures!!
Rising Action:After his house collapsed in a bombing mahmoud and his family must flee Syria in hope of a new life .
We will sleep here now and then we will continue to walk and find the nearest border.
What are we gonna do now? How will we get to Germany?
Rising Action:After their car was shot at and totaled, my father took care of us try to find shelter for us, as well as a way to get to Germany.
Climax:After Mahmoud’s father got a smuggler they waited weeks for their boat. When they finally got the message they found out the boat was a raft. It hit a boulder and popped leaving them for dead. Mahmoud and his mother was forced to give baby Hannah to a lady on the next raft that passed by.
No!! My baby!
At least take my baby sister please! Her name is Hannah!
There is no room for anyone else!! You will sink us!
Yes I will take her.
Where are we!?
Falling Action:After the people guarding the border shot a can a gas out into the crowd. Mahmoud passes out and wakes up in a moving truck with his father.After the truck stopped for a while his dad realizes they are near the Austria border.After they were taken to the detention center hey were asked to stay or leave. Mahmoud and the other people i the building rushed out. They are now ion their way to the next boded to continue their journey.
*Whispers* That’s that’s the Austria border.
Resolution:After Mahmoud’s family crossed the border Mahmoud met a women named Ruthie from Josef’s story. Ruthie takes them in and tells Mahmoud about Josef and their story.