Hi? Dr. Ruben? Mia has a fever, and she isn't feeling well. Uh-huh.
3 hours later at Mia's first appointment...She feels drowsy like Dr. Ruben predicted. Marie knows there are side effects of medicine and isn't concerned. She couldn't be more thankful for Dr. Ruben.
Ok. Yeah. That's a side effect. If it continues, we'll have to keep her for observation. Ok. Bye.
The next morning, Mia doesn't wake up normally. She is late for school, and Marie is quite annoyed. She has a fashion show later, and she can't be late! Marie shakes Mia awake and notices something.
Oh no! I have to go back?!?
Mia has a fever. Marie thinks about the previous day and remembers Dr. Ruben talking about nausea and sluggishness. Is this another side effect of the medicine for Mia's paralysis?
Marie calls Dr. Ruben and tells him about Mia's fever and sleepiness. He understands and tells Marie to keep an eye on Mia. He says that if the fever continues, Mia needs to stay at the Institute for observation. If not, she'll just come later that week.
Marie tells Mia, and Mia is now worried about staying at the Institute. She hates sleeping in hospitals, especially that white, white room.
Mia's fever goes away by the next day, and Mia calms down. At the next appointment, Mia spends the three hours in her previous room, in bed. Dr. Ruben injects several syringes into her, then leaves. Eventually, she will have her own nurses.