I promise that your family will become a great nation.
Decendents were enslaved in Egypt
Moses comes to lead Israel out of Eygypt
I am here to lead you out of Egypt
God promises to Abraham that his family will become a great nation and continue t grow bigger and bigger throught the century.
10 commandments
1. Do not worship any God except me2.Do not make idols that look like anything in the sky3. Do not misuse my name! 4. Remember that the Sabbath day belongs to me.5. Respect your father and your name6. Do not murder7. Be faithful in marriage8. Do not steal9. Do not tell lies about others10. Do not want something that belongs to others
Abrahams descendence ended up enslaved in Egypt after they were feared so they were forced to become slaves.
Israel begins the time of the judges
Moses leads/escapes Israel out of Egypt and return to their relatives.
Going to the promise land
These are the 10 commandments that God gave that NEED to be followed.
Israel worship the idols and begins the times of the judges and when Israel prayed to him God gave him a judge. Abrahams descendants were meant to love God and obey him as their king, but in the book of judges it ends with 'everyone doing what was right in their eyes.
While the people were on their was to the promise land, God looked after the people by giving them food and water, keeping their clothes clean and making sure they didn't fall ill.