In the story Cory is trying to get in the house and Troy is drunk and blocking the door but Cory doesn´t say excuse me because he doesn´t respect Troy.
¨CORY. I was walking by you to go into the house cause you sitting on the steps drunk, singing to yourself, you can put it like that TROY. Without saying excuse me??¨(Wilson 79)
Lyons only comes over usually on fridays because that is when Troy gets paid.
¨ROSE. Let the boy have ten dollar Troy. TROY. What the hell you looking at me for? I ain't got no ten dollars¨(Wilson 23). Troy iw tired of Lyons only coming over for money and not to have a real relationship with him.
What kind of person are they?
Troy is commenting on how Lyons acts but wasn´t there to change his behavior growing up.