I cant believe I've lost everything for which I've worked. My job has also been eliminated. What am I going to do to provide for my loved ones?
Deadlock in Wage Negotiation
It is the State Government to handle this, not my job.
Sir, why are you concerned about large corporation ?
The bank runs accelerated Steve's depression by preventing him from withdrawing any of his money from the bank.
Deadlock in Wage Negotiation
Following the collapse of the stock market and the loss of all his money in the bank. Prince joins the ranks of the unemployed, which is growing by the day.
Deadlock in Wage Negotiation
Sir lends large sums of money to large corporations but refuses to assist the average citizen in need. Prince is furious and he can't wait for the next election
Deadlock in Wage Negotiation
My apologies. There is nothing I can do
Prince loses his home, along with many others as a result of the economy's collapse
My house is being repossessed
RDF wins the 2020 elections, bringing hope for a brighter future
Finally we have a president who puts his people first
After the madness of the Great Depression, Prince finally regains possession of his home in 2021 and lives a stable life with the president's assistance in peace.