“Moses, go to Pharaoh. Tell him to let the Israelite's leave. If he refuses to ,tell him :Lord will turn all the water to blood.”
The 1st plague: Water turned to blood.
The 2nd plague: Frogs.
”Go to Pharaoh. Say, let the Israelite's go. If he refuses, tell him Lord will send a plague of frogs all over Egypt”.
“Tell pharaoh to let my people go.If he refuses ,tell him Lord will send a plague of flies and gnats, they will be all over everything”.
The 3rd 4th plague: Gnats flies.
The 5th 6th plague: Livestock disease boils.
”Moses ,tell Pharaoh to let my people go. If he refuses to, tell him: Lord will send pests to kill all the animals of Egypt. Once you have told him, go to the kiln and take soot. Through it in the air, there shall be thousands of boils all over Egypt”.
“ Wake up early tomorrow and go to Pharaoh, ask him to let my people go. If he refuses to, tell him Lord will cause the biggest hail and thunder than ever before . Go to Pharaohagain and tell him that if he refuses to Let My People Go I will also bring locusts to cover all of Egypt.”
The 7th 8th plague: Locusts hail thunder.
The 9th plague: Darkness.
“The last plague I will cause will be darkness. Moses, stretch out your hand. There shall be darkness that can be felt all over Egypt for three days.”