Chapter 6 Yanek and his parents moved into a pigeon cage that an old man had for his birds they fixed it all and but metal bars on they moved into the pigeon because they felt they didn't have enough room in their flat when 4 families moved into there flat
Yanek found a loose floorboard and since he was building barrack he know that there is space underneath it so he undid it then he invited Thomas and Issac to stay under there with him they slept and only left for role call then one day they heard talking so Issac look out of one of the cracks and saw Goeth
Yanek was working in the salt mines and the night before they figure out an man was a judenrat that was at his flat and took all his valuables so then when yanek was working they saw him and he had been killed and salt was rubbed into his wounds they hit his head in with a shovel