Individualism generated in students during quarantine
Storyboard Text
In class, everyone found out that Mariana died of covid
She died this morning, she can't resist
Guys, I'm sorry to inform you that the reason Mariana was not in class was because she was infected with covid, she apparently went out a lot
and how is She?
Not true, right? I wasn't there for her
Yes, teacher, and I just want you to guide us so that we can better communicate with each other because this pandemic affected too much the way we communicate each other
That is the importance of being united, I hope you can learn the lesson. Guys, you must take good care of yourself and this does not mean that you separate yourself from others, you forget individualism, with the dynamics that we have done in class, you already know how to relate at a distance
You are right Brayan, I have noticed that each of you have become individualists and are not interested in relating to each other. I will help this group to work better
I will send him my work at any time I want, He will not tell me how I have to do things