WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!?!? Don’t you know that you have to keep your nuts in your driveway underneath your cars? In all of my 50 years of living, no one has ever taken my nuts. This is the best way to save food for winter and away from predators.
Excuse me old squirrel man, but there are predators that actually live here in wildlife parktopia now . . . .
“He he he what a naive old squirrel! Now I have nuts and he has none!”
Oh no! Where are my Nuts?
It’s all okay! Here, we all have a little bit extra food for the winter, feel free to take some from each of us. We appreciate your wisdom throughout the years, and the fact that you were looking out for us and trying to teach us something helpful.
“Excuse me . . . . I’m sorry to bother you all, but I was robbed of my nuts, and now I feel very bad for rejecting your smart plan. I should have listened instead of trying to force my ways on you.”
Now, next winter, Old squirrel man knows to keep his nuts in the fridge, and to listen to the voices of others even if they’re only little tiny baby animals; everyone has something important to bring to the table.