I have 99 electoral votes and 153,544 popular votes.
Election of 1824
I have 84 electoral votes and 108,740 popular votes.
I only have 37 electoral votes and 46,618 popular votes.
Corrupt Bargain
Can you influence the House to vote for me instead of Andrew Jackson?
I can make you secretary of state.
What do I get out of this.
Adams Voted President
Adams gets 13 votes, Jackson gets 7 votes, and Crawford gets 4 votes. Adams is elected as president.
No body won the majority of electoral votes so we will go to the House for their votes. Henry Clay must drop out because he is the Speaker of the House.
Adams' Presidency
I propose that the federal government should be stronger.
As Congress, we deny your proposal. You are a shady president and we can't trust you.
You made a corrupt bargain
Adams makes a deal with Clay that agreed that Clay would use his influence as Speaker of the House to get the House to vote for Adams instead of Jackson. In return Clay would be named secretary of state.
Election of 1828
You're a donkey!!!
The House voted Adams as president due to the influence of Henry Clay. Adams won the Election of 1824 and will be president until the Election of 1828.
Jackson becomes President
We are common men and we support you, Jackson!!
Everyone found out about the "Corrupt Bargain." Adams was a shady president and most of his proposals were denied by Congress.
Democrat-Republicans and National Republicans started mudslinging and insulting each other. Adams does not get elected for a second term because of the "Corrupt Bargain" and his unpopular federal policies.
Jackson was elected president with a landslide victory. He was supported by the common man.