Zeus sat in his throne room on Mount Olympus, alone and tired of the shortcomings of man and gods.
Father, there is another problem!
Ughhh... What is it this time?
The great Theban archers have angered Apollo with their boasts.
Thus, Apollo sent a deadly plague to Thebes.
That seems reasonable enough...
Worse still, the Athenians declared war.
However, Apollo did not localize the plague, and it has quickly spread to Athens.
I cannot believe Apollo's short-sightedness!
What shall their punishments be father?
The losses have from war and plague have been heavy, and many temples and shrines have been destroyed.
THATS IT!!! We'll have to make an example of them all. Punish them all, for they are all at fault. Let us set a precedence of swift, ruthless justice!
For Apollo’s thoughtlessness, I shall once again send him to the earth, as a mere mortal, to live amongst those he has wronged.
For the Thebans’ slight of the gods, their merciless punishment will remain
After a short while of thinking...
And the Athenians, for immediately resorting to wrongly directed war and violence, will be freed of their false plague, but will be imprisoned by another: famine.
Zeus snapped his fingers, and all that he said became true.