Good morning class we are going be learning about the digestive systems.would anyone want to put a camera in your body so we can learn about your digestive system
Sir me me I will do it!!
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I m so excited
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Hello how can I help you?
I would like to put a camera in my body so me and my class can learn about the digestive system
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so were going to put a needle in you so you don't feel any pain,
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all done know I will give you a USB so you can see.
ok tank you very much
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his your USB. hope you have a great day.
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here you go sir this is the USB.
thank you Arnold I will put it on the board so you can present.
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Wait what this is not mine. I think they gave me the wrong USB.
its ok we will just pretend that is you.
ok sir.
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Hello every body to day I will be talking about the digestive system hope you enjoy.
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the digestive starts from the mouth. It grounds the food with your teeth moistened with saliva to make it easy to swallow
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After you swallow the food goes to the esophagus. this transports the food entering the mouth through the throat and into the stomach
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The third process is the stomach, it holds the food and mixes it with acid and enzymes that continue to break down the food into a liquid or paste.
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then it is the small intestine which help further digest the food coming from the stomach. It absorbs the nutrients, vitamins minerals, carbohydrates, fat and proteins.
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then it is the large intestine it absorbs water and electrolytes, producing and absorbing vitamins, and forming and propelling feces towards the rectum for elimination.
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then it is the rectum it holds your poop until it is time to release it.
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detect rectal content, whether they are liquid, gas or solid and then controls when stool should and shouldn't be excreted from the body.
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and that how the digestive system works, hope you liked it.
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