but one day was the best and the worst day ever, that day happened a lot of bad things and before to take the bus i hadn´t had breakfast
I worked from home but the nesting i had to take it from office so i walked every day to take the bus.
Six months ago i was working in a Call center for an airline in USA.
the bus arrived so late that day, i had to wait around 50 minutes to take the bus
i started to take calls but my first called was so awful because the passenger lost his flight to Denver so he was angry with me.
when i finally could enter to the bus a little girl was crying so loud and her mother was pretty angry with her
so at that moment i was so angry and also i was starving , my day started so bad
i arrived late to the office but my coworker he also arrived late so we were talking in the lift and before to enter to the office we had bought some food and water
that called, i remembered that took around 3 hours :(, i was crying because the passenger he wasnt hang up the call
but that day was my day to return to my home to work from home
Finally around at 6:00 pm o´clock, my boss requested an uber for my to go home with my computer .