The giraffes with the darker spots are more easy to spotthen the ones with the orange spots
Living 4-4 as population grows soless food is on land and resources
The ones with the darker spots are less likely to live on then the ones with the orange spots because the surroundthemselves with colors like there spots.
Natural selection
Thevariations are that the ones with orange spots have closer blend because they match with the sand and the plants compare to the ones with black spots who don'tmatch at all and are easily more spotted.
the orange giraffesadapt very well because the sun hits there skin and when that happens there spots blend even in more with there skin and the sand like environment
The orange spotted giraffes were left alone due to the fact that one of the darkest spotted giraffes caught theirattetion more and ate him causing them to be satisfied and the rest left alone
Then one speciesof giraffethat preval was the orange spottedone compared to the one with darker spot and reproduce moreheavily