I'm Sanaz, a Iran women who is getting dressed to go out in public
In Iran, women and men must stand separate line. Women also doesn't have the right to communicate with men who are not their fathers, brothers or husbands.
Why women is living under the government's expectation. I can't even said hi or wave to my old friends from my elementary school. I wish I could hang out with him someday .
I thought I have my glasses on
And... of course the dressing policy
Hey you! with the pink dress. You have to put on glasses or else you'll be putted in jail.
Is my clothing covered?
In Iran, women afraid that they'll send to jail. Thus, they would very concerned about their appearance before leaving in public.
Is my glasses on now?
My hair is not shown right?
In Iran, bus were segregated and women MUST seated at the rear of the bus and off the bus.
Don't you think women shouldn't deserve any freedom?
HAHA! right! they don't deserve any freedom. they even don't have the rights to have it.
Sigh... What is so different of being a women. Aren't we all the same?