I don't know what to do about Jessica's singing. It is so bad it hurts and all the boys are using her for is to run their errands.
Rising Action
Guys I booked us our first gig
Jessica found a flyer at school that says the band is looking for someone to sing and she wants to try out. Lizzy doesn't really care but she still wants to support her sister no matter what.
Lizzy has an internal conflict about either telling her sister that she sinks at singing who letting her go on stage and sing terrible and let her get laughed at by children.
Falling Action
No thanks I didn't really like it when you made fun of me before the gig.
Lizzy books a gig for the band to play at and the boys are going to tell her it starts an hour later then it actually does so no one hears her awful singing. Jessica hears the boys talking and helps her sister get to the gig on time so she can sing because she has been practicing singing better than just screaming into the microphone like Melody Power.
Jessica sings at the birthday party and everyone is impressed because of how good her singing is and the band keeps playing through the whole party. The boys were impressed by her singing and apologize to Jessica for being mean to her.
Good singing Lizzy
Good singing Lizzy
The boys ask Jessica to join the band for good and she says not because she didn't like them making fun of her because she didn't sing that great. She also didn't like when she had to do all of the bands chores.
Would you like to be a permanent member of the band?
Jessica tells the boys to find another place to practice at and she invites her friends over to plan for a big end of school party.
I am planning a end of school party without you guys.