BEGINNING... An Archeduke of Austria named Franz Ferdinand and his wife were assianated by a Serbian assasin on June 28, 1914
BEGINNING... Austria gave Serbiaa ultimatum and when they didn't meet the all the requirements they declared war on Serbia which led to them asking for help from Russia, which led to more involvement from other countries.
MIDDLE...Germany ends up declaring war on France and Britain in the West and Russia in the East. Then a while later Russia decides to up and leave the war which leaves Germany only fighting France and Britain in the West.
MIDDLE...The United Statesjoins WW1 due to an attack on the Lusitania made by Germany. The US and Germany came to an agreement that Germany would warn them when they attack.
END...Britain intercepted a message from Germany to Mexico about joining Germany in defeating the US. Germany then gave their last offensive attack which did not pan out the way they expected to in which US got the oppurtunity to defeat them which they did.
END...Afterthe war ended in Germany and the Central powers defeat Kaiser William the second stepped down because of the loss. Germany was also forced to ceasefire.