Description: A charter of rights made by King John of England's barons in 1215.Significance: The Magna Carta inspired and justified the actions of the colonists to rebel against the monarchy.
Navigation Acts (First Act to Last Act = 1651-1696)
How about we tax trade some more?
Description: A Europeanintellectualmovement of the 17th and 18th centuries in which ideas concerning God, reason, nature, and humanity were synthesized into a worldview.Significance: It was this intellectual change that led to the desire for a new governmental system and liberty for all people.
Great Awakening (1720's - 1740's)
Lets all believe in what we want to believe in.
Description:The English Bill of Rights created aconstitutional monarchyin England, the monarchy's power was now limited.Significance:The English Bill of Rights encouraged a form of government where the rights and liberties of individuals were protected.
French and Indian War = (1744 - 1763)
*Battle Noises*
Description: The Navigation Acts were a series of laws passed by the English Parliament to regulate shipping and maritime commerce.Signifigance:The Navigation Acts (particularly their effect on trade in the colonies) were one of the direct economic causes of the American Revolution.
What a good idea!
Description: Religious revival in the BritishAmerican coloniesmainly between about 1720 and the 1740s.Significance:The Great Awakening influenced theRevolutionary Warby encouraging the notions of nationalism and individual rights.
Description: American colonists fought alongside Great Britain and certain Native American tribes against France and other Native American tribes.Significance:Funding this war led to an immense national debt forGreat Britain, which they felt the Americans should help pay.