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Mesolithic Age

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Mesolithic Age
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  • Discovery of Wheel
  • Look at this circle
  • woah we could use this to transport our goods
  • Look at someone this fire is out. Now I'm cold.
  • Mesolithic Fire
  • Now I'm super cold.
  • Oldest Intruments
  • I love shaking this it makes such good sound
  • Yes, its very fascinating to hear such wonderful sound !
  • The discovery of the wheel refers to the invention of a circular object that rotates on an axle, allowing for easier transportation and movement of goods and people. This invention revolutionized human civilization by significantly improving transportation efficiency and enabling the development of various industries such as agriculture, trade, and warfare.
  • Creating weapons
  • Finally I found a deer. Now it's time for me too kill it.
  • The image is showing a couple that is cold. The reason that they are cold because the fire is put out. The reason they can't put the fire back because they don't have no stone choppers.
  • Mesolithic Food
  • I caught some fish.
  • that's great! we will have a good dinner today
  • - The wheel also played a significant role in the evolution of musical instruments during the Stone Age, as it enabled the creation of instruments such as primitive drums and rattles. - These innovations in music allowed for the development of communal rituals and cultural expressions, further shaping ancient societies' artistic and spiritual practices.
  • Domestication of Animals
  • You got that right. We might be able to sell it
  • The development of weapons during the Stone Age was crucial for survival and securing resources for early societies. These innovations in weaponry not only facilitated hunting and defense but also influenced social hierarchies and the formation of specialized roles within communities.
  • This show how he is catching fish for food. His wife his happy because he caught some fish. He has upgrade from hunting with a deer. This is a way they got food in the Mesolithic time.
  • - The domestication of animals during the Stone Age marked a significant shift in human civilization, as it provided a stable source of food, labor, and companionship. This development allowed for the establishment of settled communities and the emergence of agriculture, leading to further advancements in technology and societal organization.
  • We can use this cow and get milk!
  • These Cauliflower going to keep taste good.
  • Wow i never knew we could do that this calls for celebration!
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