Go explore to find new trade routes! To boost the Spanish economy
Okay, Iĺl sail the Atlantic Ocean.
Alright crew, lets get sailing. This is going to be a long ride and make sure not to loose the Nina and Pinta. This is going to be a long ride
They set off on their journey to explore, search for trade routes, and maybe even land. Their were 3 ships filled with 90 men. This expedition took over a month. They discovered the "Americas" found the trade route he was searching for.
Their seems to be settlers already there.
Then well trick them by trading our resources for their land and take it all for ourselves.
Land Ahoy, we may be able to settle down and colonise.
We'll be heroes at home lets do it.
Hello fellow foreigners we come in peace and interest in the way of your people, we will give you our resources in return
Who are you and why are you in my village!
Don't do it!
We have many resources that have never been seen before and we want to unite
What do you have to offer?
Now that we have got you alone we are going to steal your land and kill your people.