Red Shorts Jimmy just finished his nice long shower.
There's nothing better than a 40 minute shower.
All of a sudden a random guy walked in.
The world only has a limited amount of water that humans like Red Shorts Jimmy are wasting on long showers or unnecessarily things.
I'm the plumber, I came to tell you to stop wasting water.
Humans need to stop wasting water on things like long showers because we're wasting precious water we could've used for the future.
Why should I listen to you?
You gotta stop taking 40 minute showers.
If we keep wasting water the way we are in the future, in 2040 we won't have any freshwater that we can drink.
The world's running out of water, if we keep doing what we're doing by 2040 we won't be able to have clean water.
Out of all the water on earth only 3% of it is freshwater we can drink, shower with, wash out hands with, everything you do to your body is the freshwater we use.
You're right, thanks for letting me know for next time. I'll take shorter showers I swear.
Why would I lie? The world's supply of fresh water is 3% and we have to preserve it.