The Major has asked us to investigate an outbreak here in Springville. People are in panic!
Yes guys, a case control study might just get us closer to the truth about this mysterious pandemic
We think the Analytical Epidemiology will give us the answers quickly
We need to confirm this outbreak and a diagnosis first of all, and look for consistencies with the clinical symptoms, so we can see the disease spectrum and develop a case definition.
That's very true Jeff, We can alert all health facilities here in Springvilleto collect more additional information and also communicate directly with the public using a local Radio
I think that information is good for now. These variables will give clear characters of the outbreak, trends over time and population affected. Megan, we need geographical distribution also, so that we can see the source and mode of transmission. We need to summarize those and formulate a tentative hypotheses. But we have to move fast!
The data collected includes, Names, addresses, Age, Gender, Occupation and marital statuses. We have included clinical information from the physicians and any possible risk factor information. Anything else Tom?