Once upon a time, the meeting of the estates generals, representatives came and discussed various issues such as financial problems, economics, industrial, and voting.
The Reign of Terror
You shall be executed
After that, The third estate was outvoted by the first and second estate so they called for changes and named themselves the National Assembly. Then a mob of citizens took control of Bastille, and a Paris prison this was the start of the French Revolution.
Napoleon and French Empire
I'm emperor
Next, Louis and his family tried to escape but got found and put in prison. Louis and Marie get sentenced to execution and got executed.
Congress of Vienna
After that, there was a rule known as the Reign of Terror. Robespierre became leader of a group of men call the committee of public safety which the Reign of Terror was ruled by. Their task was to protect revolution from it's "enemies".
Then, Napoleon overthrew the France government. He began to expand his empire by taking over the other countries that surrounded France. He got excited to Elba but ended up returning to France and getting defeated in Waterloo. That was his last attempt at power.
Finally, The Congress of Vienna, a meeting known as the concert of Europe that had a goal to forge a peaceful balance of power in Europe.