"If you take it from the sea it will die...the sea gives it life and beauty."
When I was a boy...
Hey, Rongo! Come on! Good day for kai moana today!
Don't you kids come too far out!
"I see the seahorse again...shimmering and luminous with light. And I remember the reef again..."Remembering dad's words: "As long as we respect it, it will continue to feed us."
One weekend...
DO NOT take seafood from the reef
"Something's wrong...is there a shark out there?"
Relatives from the pa made their way to the reef. Rongo tried to twist his wife's arm to let them forget their chores and follow them to collect pipi.
"We have lost our aroha for you and our respect for your life."
"...much of the fun of going to the reef was because they could be with their friends and relations. It was a good time for being family again and for enjoying our tribal ways."
Through dead waving seaweed...
"We have poisoned the land and now we feed our poison into your waters."
First the land and now our food,...the sea is polluted. If we eat the seafood, we may get sick.
An old woman began to cry out a tangi to the reef. Everyone bowed their heads...the sea boiled yellow with effluent...the stain curled like fingers around the reef.
The seahorse searches desperately for "clean and crystal waters."