I agree with that point of view. When it comes to gaming, everyone has different preferences, and it's essential to respect those.
Yes, Call of Duty can still be fun. Some like its fast action and multiplayer, but others prefer different games. It's important to respect everyone's preference about gaming.
Hey Psyche and Miguel, do you think it is still fun to play the Call of Duty?
Yes!! Miguel, you're to teach Alex? That's nice, so we can play together. Also, teach Alex about the new about.
Oh, thank you, Miguel, but I used to play this game a year ago with my old friends. I'm not quite familiar with the recent update about Call of Duty, so guide me.
Hey Alex, do you know how to play Call of Duty? If you don't know I'm willing to teach you, so we can play together. You know there's a new update about new guns? I'm going to teach you how to use that.