I am a scientist and astronaut in the Apollo program
Michael DeBakey
Dont worry i am one of the 1st doctors to perform a coronary artery bypass surgery.Also I am a renowned cardic surgeon.
Gee thanks doc for all the support
Denton Cooley
Now bring more patients
I am a american heart surgeon for implantation of a fake heart
Walter Cunningham is a scientist and astronaut in the Apollo program
Benjy Brooks
Ok doc
Michael DeBakey is a world renowed cardiac surgeon.While in the military he helped develop Mobil Army Surgical Hospitals and the Veteran´s Administration Medical Research System.He was one of the 1st doctors to peform a coronary artery bypass surgery.
Michael Dell
Denton Cooley is an american heart surgeon famous for preforming the first implantation of a total artificial heart
Howard Hughes Sr.
I made drill bits for oil industry and made much of his money in Texas oil
Benji was the 1st woman to become a pediatric surgeon in texas,In work she conducted research on congenital defects,burn treatment, spleen reparation,and the prevention of hepatitis
HI little fella ,don´t worry i am the first woman to become a pediatric surgeon to implantation of a artificial heart
Michael Dell is the owner of Dell computers which is the leading sellers of personal computers.
I am the the owner of Dell computers which is the leading sellers of personal computers.
Howard Hughes Sr. made drill bits for oil industry and made much of his money in Texas oil