Hey kid I came to your bus stop today to tell you that ever since her cousin passed I haven’t been able to talk to her about the marriage. But when she feels better I’ll be sure to tell her her. For now just go home my future son in law.
Thanks sir, I’d love to be with your daughter as soon as possible so please let me know what she says.
My Love let me stay here I don’t care if we get caught skipping school.
I’d love for you to stay but they know you’ve been kicked out school for what you did to Tybalt. You have to get out babe.
Nurse: Your Parents are coming soon Juliet. Get him out of here !
Goodbye my Romeo call me as much as you can!
I certainly will my love!
Lady Capulet: Juliet please come outside!
Juliet your father has decided for you to marry the star basketball player Tybalt.
I don’t think this is what’s best for me i’m still very sad about Ro- Tybalt! I’m very sad about Tybalt and I need more time to myself.
Well you know how father is you need to talk to him about that. here he comes right now.
H-Hey dad.
My daughter, I know you’re still dealing with the Tybalt situation, but I assume you heard the good news!!
Yes I’ve heard, but to be honest father I’m stil grieving over Tybalt and would like more time to think.
What do you mean you’re not ready you ungrateful twerp. I find you the perfect man and this is how you respond?
No I am very grateful I just need to get Romeo to punish him gor hurting our family.
W-what are you doing?
Consider this a warning, either you marry him or you’re out of my house!
Oh my goodness! Let me help you out of there!
How could he do that to me?
I’m not sure honey, but I did hear what he was saying and I think you should listen. At least Paris is a star.
Do you mean that?
From the bottom of my heart.
Okay then if that’s the case, I will marry him. Thanks Nurse.
Of course sweetie.
I can’t listen to that lady, even she said Romeo was the better player. I need to find a way to get my Romeo back!