What was the significance of the Statue of Liberty?
Scene 2
The Statue of Liberty was a welcoming sign for immigrants arriving to America.
Scene 3
After enduring months of sickness, hunger, and horrible living conditions at sea, immigrants were excited to see Lady Liberty in the New York Harbor.
Scene: Statue of LibertyPose Learning Target Statement.
Scene 4
Many immigrants had to leave loved ones behind in search for a better life, but they knew the trip would be worth it.
Scene: Statue of LibertyAnswer the Learning Target Statement.
Scene 5
Scene: BoatDescribe conditions for immigrants on the boat.
Scene 6
Scene: BoatContinue to discuss why immigrants wanted to come to America.
Scene: Big BuildingDiscuss Ellis Island
After passing the Statue of Liberty, immigrants knew the next stop would be Ellis Island. This was just one step closer to a new life in America.
Scene: Statue of LibertyRepeat answer to Learning Target Statement.
The Statue of Liberty symbolized a new life of freedom and opportunity for everyone!