Thanks for the coffee invite, Carrie! OH NO!! We have decided against getting DJ circumcised. I cannot bare the thought of hurting my baby!
Hey Megan thanks for meeting me. How's baby DJ doing? Has he had his circumscion yet?
Wow poor guy had to have pain afterwards! We decided against DJ's as there is no medical or health reasons to have it done!
Really? What's the reasoning other then he pain? Hunter did great with his, he never cried. They used a numbing agent so he wouldn't feel it and they put the sugar water on his paci.
But the risk of pain, bleeding and infections at the site, irritation o the glands, inflammation risk the opening of the penis was enough to scare us!
Of course it is your choice. We didn't want Hunter to possibly have repeatedly urinar tract infections. We also wanted to lesson his chance of penile cancer, and the possibility of swollen glands and for cleanliness as the foreskin can not always retract for proper cleaning!
You know Carrie you are right. We have not looked at all the other side effects he could endure. We shall talk about it with our Peds at his next follow up and get his recommendation!
Yes, the risk is scary, but not as scary as having this simple less hen 10 minutes procedure that could avoid DJ from having future issues!
Thanks for all the info bestie! Give Huter hugs from Auntie Megan! We will talk soon!
Glad to hear I was able to inform you more! Please give DJ a hug from Auntie Carrie and keep me updated on all his milestones!