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The Vanishing Half Storyboard

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The Vanishing Half Storyboard
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  • The Vignes twins come from a town called Mallard where the town is predominantly made up of a mixed light skinned race of people. In the Vanishing half this is what the story mainly talks about quoting “A town for men like him, who would never be accepted as white but refused to be treated like Negroes. A third place”(Bennett 5).
  • As the twins start to get older they eventually run off and go to New Orleans and this particular character named Stella is passing for white in the Vanishing half so she ends up becoming someone she's not. It quotes that " A good job for Stella, then a good job for her, that was the plan. So Stella would have to pretend a little but a little pretending to keep them off the streets was worth it" (Bennett 61).
  • Stella feeling like the responsible twin she decides to get a job as a secretary. In doing so she finds her future husband in the process Stella knows that she cannot tell him that she is black so she hides this quoting "she had no idea what he wanted from her. Weeks before he'd offered to find Stella, and when she told him that she couldn't pay him. He said that's all right" (Bennett 67)
  • Once Stella got accustomed to passing as a white woman she became less shy and outgoing so it was almost as if her personality had changed. In the Vanishing Half it mentions “She felt queasy at how simple it was. All there was to being white was acting like you were.”(Bennett 75)
  • In The Vanishing half when the New black family moved to their neighborhood that's when Stellas actions really played a part in how she felt. In the story it brings out "She’d tell her because, in spite of everything, Loretta was her only friend in the world. Because she knew that, if it came down to her word versus Loretta’s, she would always be believed. And knowing this, she felt, for the first time, truly white"(Bennett 226).
  • In the Vanishing Half after Stella starts to get accustomed to passing for white she takes on the character trait of lying to those around even her own daughter Kennedy. In the story it brings out “Now her while life had been built on a lie and the other lies Stella stacked in order to maintain it “(Bennett 258).
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