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Theseus and the minotaur

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Theseus and the minotaur
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  • The Expostion
  • Take our baby some where safe where no one can hurt him and when he is older and stronger take him to a cave I have left him my sword and shoe's Good Bye!
  •  Once there lived a king named Aegeus who wanted to protect his unborn son from his enemies so he sent his wife to live in southern Greece 
  • As you wish my king
  • The boy grew up into a strong hansom man who decide that he will journey to find his father His mother told him that there will be a ship waiting for him but he chose to take the dangerous road
  • The Conflict
  • Don’t take the roads there are so manyrobbers
  • dumbo 
  • I am the strongest man ever and I will find my father
  • No, I will take the road
  • Young, Thereus defeated all the thieves that he meet on the road and the Kingdom loved him, but the king was worried that they loved Theseus more than they did him so he invited the boy to dinner and asked his adviser to poison his drink but the king realized that the boy was his son
  • The Rising action
  • I know I am amazing
  • My king let me poison him for you so that he can't over through you
  • YES! HA HA HA 
  • I hate that kid, he is dangerous
  • You saved us
  • we love you, become our king
  • The Palace 
  • The Climax
  • We are going to die
  • Don't worry I have a plan 
  • The Falling action
  • Thanks, my gal
  • Here is a ball of string to help you
  • The Resolution
  • My hero, lets get married 
  • DIE!
  • Good bye world
  • One day King Aegeus received a letter from Minos saying that he must sacrifice 14 athenians to be eaten by the minotaur. Theseus decided that he would sacrifice himself to try kill the minotaur 
  • But Ariadne, Mino's daughter fell in love with Theseus and helped him out, by giving him a ball of string to keep track of where he was in the maze
  • Hoooray! You killed him we are all safe
  • When inside the maze Theseus fought a long dangerous battle against the minotaur and won leaving the minotaur lying still in the maze while he married Ariadne 
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