Although not as serious, the scenario below is a good example of this. The boy is suppressing the unwelcoming thought of all of the work he has to do in order to be able to enjoy his friends party.
Repression is one of Freud's defense mechanisms that explains that a person will unconsciously suppress memories in order to keep them from being conscious thoughts.
I don't have any cavities what do you mean?
The Doctor said you have some cavities, have you not been brushing your teeth correctly?
Denial is when an individual blocks out physical events that have happened from their mind if they are too difficult to handle or understand making them believe it never happened
Projection is when an individual takes their feelings from other events out on another uninvolved person
I am so sorry ma'am I wasn't able to bring everything at once I'll go get them now...
I asked for extra fries!!!
My broken car...
Sublimation is when an individual deals with negative feelings in a social acceptable way.
I cant believe my boyfriend cheated on me... I need to journal to release my anger.
Rationalization is when an individual attempts to better a mistake they made by explaining it in a rational manner
I didn't do my homework because the teacher forgot to tell me it was due, or else I would have done it!