Then finally one night, the anger got so bad to the point where I let it take control of me. I barged into his room, and suffocated him with his own matress. He let out one small shriek, but at last, the eye would bother me no more.
Let me tell you how carefully I planned this
Don't get me wrong, I loved the old man, but his eye drove me crazy. I am sane, but the eye was the reason for his death
Every night, around midnight, I carefully opened the olds man door, and used a small light to look in at him, gaining more and more madness about his vulture eye
Unfortunately, the neighbors heard his shriek, but I had kept a smile on my face because I knew for a fact they wouldn't find his body.
I had hid the body underneath the floorboards of his own room. I knew that I would not be caught with the crime committed, so I offered the officers inside for a refreshment.
I knew they were mocking me, I knew they could hear the loud beating of the old man's heart. I admitted that I committed the murder of the old man.
I sat the officers right over the dissembled body. After a while, I heard the heart beat. Louder -- louder! -- louder!!