I work with the executive branch,our job is to pass the law
I work with the legislative branch, Our job is to create laws and send to the executive branch
I work with the Judicial branch,our job is to decide the meanings of the law
The Legislative branch creates the laws which go through the executive branch which can be vetoed by the president. Then goes to the judicial branch and can be declared unconstitutional and if the law goes through all three branches then it can be considered a final law.
The Constitution is a list of checks and balances to make sure that no branch has more power than the other!
Anything that one branch decides, goes through the other 2 branches before it is final
The senate can take action on bills, resolutions, amendments, etc. They can also vote in many ways to help towards the goverment
The House of Representatives and the Senate are in my branch
The House of Representatives represents districts in their state and the amount varies on the population while their are 2 Senates per state and they represent the whole state
The House of representatives can make and pass federal laws, impeach federal officers, initiate revenue bills and more