Max is sitting in an animal cage at the vet and he's waiting for his humans but they haven't come yet neither has the vet people come to feed and water him or let him go outside. And all he has with him is his torn up blanket.
Will anyone come for me?
Max sees a little dog roaming around out of his cage. Max asks the little dog to come and help him. The little dog circled back around and looked at him. The little dog tells him how he got out and then walked away.
Try and fit your paw threw the corner.
I will try thanks!
Max has just figured out what the little dog told him and has proceeded to get out of his cage.
I did it! I did it! That was good advice after all.
Max finds kible and water after getting out of his cage. He hasent had food and water for the longest of time. He rips the dog food bag open and kibble goes everywhere but he don't care and he keeps eating. Max then eventually figures out how to use a human mission that lets out water when Max turns it on water is on the floor too.
I'm so hungry and thirsty I haven't had food and water in days
A wolf has entered the vet asking for food. Max is confused because he could just do and catch a wild animal or something himself but the wolf keeps pleading and pleading for food.
If you get out of my way, there will be no trouble.
Get out of here wolf you don't belong here and you can go hunt for animals instead.
The wolf wouldn't listen and struck at max. when all hope was lost the little dog sprung into action and saved the day by knocking over the gumball maschion and crushing the wolf.