In the Korean culture, it'sconsidered rude if you accept thingswith one hand. While you shouldn'tstress about accepting every singlething with both hands, it's speciallyimportant to accept monev with bothof your hands. You should also payfor things by presenting your cash orcredit card with both hands.
Ok that's so important, I didn'tknow it but I think I should use it a lotwhile I be there
Oh don't worry and thank you for yourhelp
Oh sorry for interrupting you, but iwas listening at your conversation. I'malso from Korea so I can help you too.
Wow that so interesting, i had neverlistened that a country asked for that tobe able to enter
Well, to be able to travel you mustneed to show your proof of economicfunds to pay for your stay in our Country
Ok, i will keep that on mi mind.My plane is about to leave, so thankyou very much for the advice, I'm sure itwill be very helpful
Oh and you can't forget to take andshow your proof of vaccination becausewithout it you will not be able to enter tothe country
Thanks for all your comments, hope to see you soon.
You are welcome, good luck friend!
Not using the two- handedhandshake it's a bad manner inKorea