Emily Grierson passes away and her funeral is described by the narrator. Emily’s house used to be in the middle of an elegant neighbourhood, but it has all gone to rack and ruin.
Emily did not pay taxes because the previous mayor had suspended the payments after Emily’s father died.
Thirty years ago, Emily was investigated because of a strange smell coming from her house. Emily is alone, having been abandoned by her supposed fiancé and her father having passed away.
Complaints continue to the point where Judge Stevens has lime sprinkled along the foundation of Emily’s house at night, unawares to her. The odour does go away eventually.
After her father passes, Emily is ill for along time. She begins a relationship with Homer Baron, who is contracted to pave the sidewalks of the town.
Emily’s reputation is tarnished by her relationship with Baron. She purchases arsenic, but does not disclose how she will use it (despite being required to by law).