That's a lot products. What am I going to do with this ?
Overproduction- Farming
How will I take care of my family?
I will but a lot of car stocks because so many people are buying cars and the stocks will go up.
Overproduction, or oversupply, means you have too much of something than is necessary to meet the demand of your market.
Buying on Margin
Too many crops results in decline. As a result, farmer cannot repay their debt and lose their farm.
Shaky Banking
I would like to deposit my $300.
The forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.
Restrictions on International Trade
You will have to pay $3 per item tax.
Buying on margin is borrowing money from a broker to purchase stock. Margin trading allows people to buy more stock than they normally can.
Yes! you can
Can I borrow some money to buy more stocks? I will return the money with interest.
Banks work by using money from depositors to lend out loans. Bank use the money of the depositors to lend loan to businesses, the money they earn they use to pay interest to these depositors.
I would like to take loan for $300
These are restrictions whose purpose is to control or limit the flow of imports and usually the tool used is the obligation of prior import licenses.