To begin with is food. Our food habits include large amounts of rice, which is either eaten with watery potato gravy, or with watery pulses with salt and chilly to enhance the taste.
Ragi, mustard, grains and pulses are the main food item. Animal protein of Rat, Cat, Squirrel, Birds, and meats of chicken, goat, pig and fish are favorites. We cook once a day for supper is the non-vegetarian of Irulas Tribes.
Next is our clothing. The male members wear hand loom loin cloth (kacha), banion, shirts and napkin (gamchha) and women wear green or blue check saree (jhelah).
Clothing is, in the men, reduced to a minimum — dhūti, and langūti of dirty white cotton cloth, or a narrow strip of gaudy Manchester piece-good.
To continue with is our art. Santhal folk Paintings are the historic art of India.The main themes of this art are basically weddings, dancing, family life, rituals, harvest, music, nature, daily activities and creatures.
Kolams and Mandalas, traditional sacred floor and wall designs are hand-made by women to bless our homes and temples.