The student came up with a method of dealingwith the situation was not ideal, ending with the other student being to scared and upset to bring the conversation up ever again.
After this situation, no one in that class ever made fun of him ever againTHE END!
In this storyboard, a student is criticized and discriminated against for speaking his own language because apparently, only Muslims are allowed to speak Arabic. This incident can be related back to Shakespeare's play The Merchant of Venice because, a similar situation occurs between Shylock and Antonio's servants. Antonio's servants are informing Shylock about Antonio's misfortune and trying to plead for mercy on his behalf. Shylock then begins to talk about how Antonio and other Christians mistreat him due to his religious beliefs, he then says "Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? This quote states how Shylock is perceived as less than human because he is a different religion. He is treated differently because in the play, Jews are not allowed to have nice jobs, so they have to resort to money lending. This relates back to my prejudice experience because this student treated me as less than human because he disrespected my heritage and religion, simply because he did not acknowledge my differences.