In this moment Georgia's mum is spreading love towards her daughter. The key to forgiveness is love. She also demonstrates kindness as she doesn't expect anything from her daughter in return, like paying for expenses.
Georgia at leastit's not terrible damage tot he window it can easily be fixed. I just hope you can forgiveme in return for how I acted.
Georgia here opens up to her mother and forgives her for the way she acted towards her on the day of the accident. Also her mum forgiving is a huge part in forgiveness, you have to forgive the other but sometimes forgiving yourself is harder.
Mum I do forgive you for yesterday, I mean it was only write to act that way. I would be upset to if that happened to my window.
Thank You mum I forgive you to
Both Georgia and her mother forgive each other and the incident comes to a conclusion. Forgiveness can be touch especially in hard times but incidents like these happen everyday. We just need to remain as calm a possible and try not to let our emotions get to us.
Georgia I do forgive you for the whole thing, don't worry about it i'll handle it.