This is the scene where Hermes leads the suitors to the underworld. This is significant in the Odyssey because the suitors face the consequences for their actions toward Telemachus and Penelope.
"So with their high thin cries the ghosts flocked now and Hermes the Healer led them on" (24.10-11).
This scene is where Odysseus reunites with his father and reveals himself to him. This is a significant scene because it shows the emotional reunion between the two. This scene also signifies peace which is important because it is the title of the chapter.
“Father —I am your son —myself, the man you’re seeking" (24.359).
“You—you’re truly my son, Odysseus, home at last?" (24.365)
“Hold back, you men of Ithaca, back from brutal war! Break off —shed no more blood —make peace at once!” (24.584-85).